Yoga For Beginners

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Yoga is an important part of many lives today. Although it is considered a

type of exercise, it has the potential to affect the emotional and

psychological health of the individual, not just the physical state.

Some people resist trying yoga. This may be because they believe it’s some

kind of weird religious thing or that they must change their lifestyle


While yoga was indeed used in years past mostly by hippies, the practice has

evolved into a more mainstream system. All types of people use yoga for its

ability to help the physical and mental states.

Meditation is also looked at in a similar way. There are many types of

meditation. Not all meditation is about reaching “spiritual enlightenment” or

using drugs and chanting.

Meditation can also be an extremely useful tool in controlling many physical

and mental ailments. It can reduce stress and anxiety, help control panic

attacks, ease depression, and much more. Its effects on the mental state can

be remarkable, and it is recommended by many doctors as a great way to

avoid taking medications.

We hope to enlighten you through this book so that you may learn how to

practice yoga and meditation on your own. The physical and mental benefits

you’ll receive will probably be shocking to you!

One thing you should realize is that while this book will be talking about the

religious practices and history of yoga and meditation, you do NOT have to

change your religion or subscribe to any of the religious notions of either


The information contained about the spiritual side is purely for informational

purposes only. Yoga isn’t a religion, but it can have spiritual effects for

those who practice it.

It doesn’t matter if you are Jewish, Catholic, Muslim, Buddhist, Protestant,

or Scientologist! No matter what type of religion you may or may not

practice, yoga can benefit you without you having to change your faith in

any way.

Yoga (as it is explained here) is simply a method of strengthening and toning

the body while also receiving the emotional and psychological effects it can


Meditation in this book is used simply as a way to boost mental clarity,

reduce stress, and clear up any mental and emotional issues. It is not meant

to promote any kind of spiritual agenda, although it can enhance your

religious experience if you choose to use it that way.

We’re going to delve a little bit into the rich history of yoga and meditation

so you can learn a little about its origins. Only when you understand where

it came from and why it was practiced can you truly understand why they

are such remarkable tools for mental and physical health.

We’ll talk about a lot of the important equipment that you may need to want

for practicing yoga and meditation, from mats to bags, balls to blocks.

You’ll learn what each piece of equipment is used for, and also whether you

really need to buy it or not.

You’ll learn what yoga and meditation are and can do for you as well as

their limitations. Neither is a one-size-fits-all solution for everyone nor will

they cure any and every ailment there is.

Some practitioners believe that yoga and meditation can cure every ailment,

illness, and disease on the planet, but unfortunately there is just no proof of


If you’re looking for a miracle cure for cancer or diabetes, this probably

won’t be what you’re hoping for. But if you need a simple solution for

easing panic attacks, depression, mental fog, back pain, stress, or other

minor to moderate physical and mental issues, yoga and meditation might be

exactly what you need.

What Yoga Is And Isn’t

Yoga is far more than just a series of stretching exercises. It’s not some kind

of religion or cult, and it doesn’t require one to turn into a vegan or sell all of

their worldly possessions! It’s nothing like its stereotype.

Yoga first came to the Western hemisphere in 1893 at the World’s Fair in

Chicago. It was brought by Swami Vivekananda who was one of India’s

most popular gurus.

The word yoga gets its origins from the Sanskrit word “Yug”. It means to

bind or join. Basically, it is about the unity of the physical body with the mind.

It’s about “conscious living”.

It’s not all about calisthenics. While the physical aspects are certainly an

important part, this is not the only true purpose. It’s also about the mental


It’s not any type of religion. There are no gods to worship, and it is not an

organized system at all. Any spiritual benefits are purely emotional and


Yoga doesn’t actually distinguish between the physical body and the mind.

Yoga can work to improve your physical health in many ways, not just

aiding in weight loss, but also improving tone and even reducing physical


Yoga allows you to release the tension that can build up in your body. It

helps the various parts of your body become loose and limber, from your

muscles and joints to your tendons and ligaments. It can help back pain,

joint pain, muscle pain, and much more.

People aren’t meant to be stiff and rigid. We were designed to be flexible

creatures. We may not all have the flexibility and grace of a prima ballerina,

but we should all be healthy and fit. Yoga is one means to achieving such a


Here are some of the benefits that have been proven to exist through


! Improved flexibility

! Better range of motion

! More fluid motion

! Immune system strengthening

! Reduced joint pain

! Reduced muscular pain

! Better breathing

! Higher lung capacity

! Higher metabolism

! Better sleep quality

! Reduced stress and anxiety

There are many other remarkable benefits reported to be received from yoga.

You may discover many more.

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Yoga For Beginners

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